已知js文件中有: Page({ data:{ array:[ '张三', '李四', '王五'] } }) wxml页面代码如下: 学生{{stuID}}:{{stuName}} 请问这三个问号

lk2024-12-15  1

题目:已知js文件中有: Page({ data:{ array:[ '张三', '李四', '王五'] } }) wxml页面代码如下: 学生{{stuID}}:{{stuName}} 请问这三个问号的位置分别应该怎么填写,才能正确显示每个学生的姓名stuNam和学号stuID(默认数组中元素序号 )?

A. array, index, item

B. array, stuID, stuName

C. {{array}}, index, item

D. {{array}}, stuID, stuName



( )、( )和( )是客观世界的三大构成要素。目前微机中所广泛采用的电子元器件是( )从总体中抽取样本的目的是( )7个月男婴,发热、咳嗽5天,近2天呕吐,今突然抽搐,曾用过青霉素肌内注射3天,生后已接种卡介苗。体检:T 38.9℃ ,嗜睡,前囟饱满,颈无抵抗感,双肺少许细湿啰音,巴氏征(+)、克氏征(-)、布氏征(-),血常规WBC 17×109L,N 0.66,L 患儿,男,10个月。因患病毒性脑炎住院,出现喷射性呕吐,前囟饱满,其不正确的护理措施为支架包埋时,高温包埋材料的热膨胀系数不够,易导致()金属大气腐蚀按照表面的潮湿程度,可分为3种类型,他们分别为( )。回力卡环可减小基牙直接承受的牙合力,因为其()As a ____president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.社会的物质性主要表现在( )。Nancy isn’t here. It’s my mistake. I forgot all about _____ her.George applied for the position three times ______ he finally got it.The ________ stuck on the envelope says "By Air".With his eyes ______ on the family album, he thought of the fun he had when he lived with his parents.Our son doesn’t know what to_______ at the university; he can’t make up his mind about his future.The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged __________ there for a sightseeing.He was _______ of having asked such a silly question.超额剩余价值是相对剩余价值产生的前提。价格受市场供求的影响,围绕价值上下波动,不是对价值规律作用的否定,而是价值规律作用的表现形式,这是因为:袁世凯能够篡夺辛亥革命胜利果实的原因是
