二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分)   It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a po

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题目:二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分)   It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitude. All one has to do is walk by almost any nice gym and notice all the healthy, sweating, “skinny” members. Sometimes they stare at those of us who are, well, zaftig. It is easy to see the judgment behind their eyes. Who wants to put up with that?   Many people are self-conscious of their bodies and feel isolated when joining workout classes of while exercising, especially if they are larger than most of the others in the group. Now the fitness industry is finally paying attention. Popular gyms are catering (迎合) to overweight and weight conscious customers by dedicating areas where the “skinny” people are not allowed.   There are even gyms or programs that require members to be at least 50 pounds overweight to participate.   Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs(六块腹肌). (79)They often use text messages to stay in touch with customers.   Often at these specialized gyms, the trainers are overweight themselves, or working on their own weight goals, and this can help those people with anxiety caused by poor body image. The equipment has been designed for use by larger people. Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted (有色的) windows for privacy, are all important changes.   (80)Hopefully these types of gyms will successfully grow in numbers in the future. The idea is a very simple and potentially popular one. If it helps those of us who are bigger exercise more and improve our fitness level, it's a step in the right direction. 操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。 The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to . A. fat B. healthy C. friendly 2. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that . A. most large gym chains really don't want members to show up frequently B. overweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industry C. regular gyms don't accept overweight people to participate in their programs 3. What is the training goal in the gyms catering to overweight members? A. To achieve functional fitness. B. To build six-pack abs. C. To look like a fitness model. 4. As for the gyms catering to overweight members, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. The machines are designed for larger people. B. Tinted windows are used to ensure extra privacy. C. There are large mirrors on the walls. 5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Improving Women's Self-confidence through Exercises. B. The traditional Gym Industry Is Losing Its Customers. C. Specialized Gyms Designed for Overweight People.

A. ["A","B","C"]

B. ["A","B","C"]

C. ["A","B","C"]

D. ["A","B","C"]

E. ["A","B","C"]



保证全党服从中央,坚持党中央权威和集中统一领导的能力,展现了党的政治领导力内涵中最()的要素。 (单选题)习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想涵盖新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的( )和发展方向、发展方式、发展动力、战略步骤、外部条件、政治保证等基本问题。 (多选题)以习近平同志为核心的党中央深刻把握中华民族伟大复兴战略全局,牢牢立足( )这个基本国情、最大实际,如期全面建成小康社会,推动我国迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。 (单选题)一台他励直流电动机的技术数据如下:P<sub>N=6.5kW, U<sub>N=220V, I<sub>N=34.4A, n<sub>N=1500rmin, Ra=0.2420,负载恒定为电机额定工作时的数值关于无结构式观察法,下列叙述正确的是1989年11月,十三届五中全会接受谁辞去中共中央军委主席职务的请求治疗湿热腰痛,应首选根据《网络安全法》的规定,国家实行网络安全( )保护制度。针对抗日民主根据地出现的严重困难,毛泽东提出的经济工作和财政工作总方针是患者大便时泻,水谷不化,稍进油腻之物,则大便次数增多,食少,腹胀,面黄,肢倦乏力,舌淡苔白,脉细弱,其治法是所有的变音都是调式变音。1949年10月,中华人民共和国成立以后,中国的社会性质是:1949年12月,访问苏联并于1950年2月与苏联签订《中苏友好同盟互助条约》的党和国家领导人是:Which of the following sayings about silence is true?全球性问题迫切需要各国 通过对话协商、加强合作来解决,需要大国践行共商共建共享,共同做推动 全球治理的建设力量。(第七讲)( )等问题叠加发酵,人工智能、生物安全等全球新疆域规则制定滞后,全球性挑战日益复杂严峻。(第七讲)根据《史记》的记载,()是《周易》的作者。先秦时期哪两个诸侯国之间爆发的战争称为“鄢陵之战”?()在午睡环节,需要观察幼儿的是否寻求成人关注。观察幼儿参与日常生活表现得积极主动还是消极被动,属于观察幼儿的:
