It is possible that the well-being of pets is driven by the ______ nature of the owner, not simply by their conscious decisions

lk2025-03-14  5

题目:It is possible that the well-being of pets is driven by the ______ nature of the owner, not simply by their conscious decisions and behaviors.

A. undergoing

B. underlining

C. underlying

D. undertaking



元朝杂泛差役主要指的是()。中国共产党在( )制定了民主革命纲领。设x=3以及y=2,下面代码的输出结果是()。 if (x > 2) if (y > 2) { int z = x + y; System.out.println(" z is " + z ); } else以下食物蛋白质属于优质蛋白质的有 ( )各级主管部门销毁会计档案时,还应当由( )财政、审计部门派人监销。墨子提出尚同主张的理论基础是关于国家、政治和社会的认识评估成人意识状况正确的做法为()Jenny has seen______.图书逾期需要缴纳100元滞纳金按职能的作用方式可将城市政府职能分为( )。..., and three days was a _____ amount of time to wait before baptizing a newly born baby.The _______ of the house, including the fittings and furniture, was also designed by the same person.It was such a large _____, which included about 40 kilometers of fencing.目前机器人无法解决情感连贯的问题。()译码器电路的输入量是( )。松土的作用在于疏松表层土壤,减少水分蒸发,改善土壤的通气性、透水性和保水性。( )认为财政目的是国家为实现其职能需要的理论是:水库抽样算法的采样是均匀的。患儿,男,3岁,1岁时出现青紫,渐加重,剧烈哭闹后有昏厥史。查体:生长发育落后,口唇发绀,胸骨左缘第3肋间闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,心脏摄片示“靴型”心影,最可能的诊断为 (1分)病人,男性,76岁。肝硬化十多年,病人精神差,消瘦。2周前病情加重,恶心呕吐,腹胀明显,伴腹水。以下食品中,该病人需禁用的是 (1分)
