A dark suit is_______ to a light one for evening wear.

lk2024-12-15  1

题目:A dark suit is_______ to a light one for evening wear.

A. favourable

B. suitable

C. preferable

D. proper



下列各项体现矛盾双方相互依存或相互转化的有( )。有人说由于社会是由人构成的,而人的活动是受到他们各自的目的、理想和愿望等因素支配的,因此不存在社会规律。这种说法违背了( )。Nancy isn’t here. It’s my mistake. I forgot all about _____ her.Father told me to_____the milk until it boiled and then turn off the gas.实践对认识的决定作用表现为实践是:In this lecture, I can only give you a purely view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the futurShe isn’t so _______at maths as you are.We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of ________.I wasn't able to hide my eagerness when I ________, “What do you wish me to do now?”You must walk slowly if you want the children to _______ you.It is estimated that much of a teenager's time is spent______ with friends.人体只要接触到电源,就一定会导致触电的事故。重结晶实验中主要用了那些仪器装置蒸馏和分馏操作是根据( )不同来分离混合物。质性研究中的常用研究方法关于公司资本制度,大陆法系首创并采用了法定资本制,下列哪一项不属于法定资本三原则?()下列属于循证护理核心要素的是关于护理个案论文说法错误的是:可以使用import语句引入包中的类。每个 java.sql.Statement 实例对象只能对应一个 java.sql.ResultSet 实例对象,所以如果执行 SQL 语句返回多个结果,一般需要分多次取得返回结果。
